DALLAS-FORT WORTH, TEXAS (PRWEB) NOVEMBER 08, 2016 (Original Press Release on PRWeb)
A new chapter by renowned applied stem cell therapy expert, Neil Riordan, PhD of the Riordan-McKenna Institute in Southlake, Texas; Medistem Labs Panama, and the Stem Cell Institute in Panama City, Panama, entitled, “Cell Therapy for Liver Failure: A New Horizon” is now available in the printed and online medical reference, “Contemporary Liver Transplantation – The Successful Liver Transplant Program”.
Contemporary Liver Transplantation provides a comprehensive review of the most crucial and provocative aspects of liver transplantation. The reference covers all disciplines involved in a multidisciplinary liver transplant team; provides a valuable resource for surgeons, hepatologists, anesthesiologists, transplant coordinators and administrators, amongst others; addresses organizational issues that are vital to the good performance of transplant programs; and offers the first 360-degree analysis of liver transplantation.
Liver failure is the seventh largest cause of death in industrialized countries. It occurs as a result of a number of acute and chronic clinical inciting factors, including drug-/alcohol-induced hepatotoxicity, viral infections, vascular injury, autoimmune disease, or genetic predisposition. The only available cure, liver transplantation, is severely limited by a lack of donors and further complicated by the adverse effects of chronic immune suppression.
In his chapter on stem cell therapy for liver failure, Dr. Riordan examines pre-clinical data and analyzes published clinical trials to identify promising sources of autologous stem cells to treat liver failure including: bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC), adipose tissue MSC (AT-MSC), and bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC) including their purified forms. In addition, he delves into allogeneic stem cells such as those harvested from umbilical cords after normal, healthy births.
“Many liver failure patients contact our clinics in Panama and Texas asking if there is anything we can do for them. Unfortunately, we have to tell them that we cannot treat liver failure. Even though some clinical trials have shown signals of efficacy, which is encouraging, I don’t think sufficient rationale exists to treat liver failure patients with the types of stem cells I’ve studied at present,” stated Dr. Riordan.
About Riordan-McKenna Institute (RMI)
RMI specializes in non-surgical treatment of acute and chronic orthopedic conditions using *amniotic tissue allograft and bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) that is harvested using the patented BioMAC bone marrow aspiration cannula. Common conditions treated include meniscal tears, ACL injuries, rotator cuff injuries, runner’s knee, tennis elbow, and joint pain due to degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis.
Additionally, RMI augments orthopedic surgeries with BMAC and amniotic tissue allograft to promote better post-surgical outcomes and uses amniotic membranes as part of a complete wound care treatment regimen.
BMAC contains a patient’s own mesenchymal stem cells (MSC,) hematopoietic stem cells (CD34+), growth factors and other progenitor cells. Amniotic tissue allograft is composed of collagens and other structural proteins, which provide a biologic matrix that supports angiogenesis, tissue growth and new collagen during tissue regeneration and repair.
*Amniotic tissue is donated after normal healthy births.
Riordan-McKenna Institute Website: http://www.rmiclinic.com
Riordan-McKenna Institute
801 E. Southlake Blvd.
Southlake, Texas 76092
Tel: (817) 776-8155
Toll Free: (877) 899-7836
Fax: (817) 776-8154
About Stem Cell Institute Panama
Founded in 2007 on the principles of providing unbiased, scientifically sound treatment options; the Stem Cell Institute (SCI) has matured into the world’s leading adult stem cell therapy and research center. In close collaboration with universities and physicians world-wide, our comprehensive stem cell treatment protocols employ well-targeted combinations of autologous bone marrow stem cells, autologous adipose stem cells, and donor *human umbilical cord stem cells to treat: autism, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, and autoimmune diseases.
In partnership with Translational Biosciences, a subsidiary of Medistem Panama, SCI provides clinical services for ongoing clinical trials that are assessing safety and signs of efficacy for autism, multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and spinal cord injury using allogeneic umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSC) and hU-MSC-derived mesenchymal trophic factors (MTF). In 2017, Translation Biosciences plans to expand its clinical trial portfolio to include heart disease and cerebral palsy.
*umbilical cord tissue is donated after normal, healthy births
For more information on stem cell therapy:
Stem Cell Institute Website: http://www.cellmedicine.com
Stem Cell Institute
Via Israel & Calle 66
Plaza Pacific Office #2A
Panama City, Panama
About Medistem Panama Inc.
Since opening its doors in 2007, Medistem Panama Inc. has developed adult stem cell-based products from human umbilical cord tissue and blood, adipose (fat) tissue and bone marrow. Medistem operates an 8000 sq. ft. ISO 9001-certified laboratory in the prestigious City of Knowledge. The laboratory is fully licensed by the Panamanian Ministry of Health and features 3 class 10000 clean rooms, class 100 laminar flow hoods, and class 100 incubators.
Medistem Panama Website: http://www.medistempanama.com
About Contemporary Liver Transplantation
Edited by Cataldo Doria, Contemporary Liver Transplantation provides a comprehensive review of the most crucial and provocative aspects of liver transplantation. It represents a unique source of information and guidance for the current generation of transplant surgeons that evolved from being pure clinicians into savvy administrators knowledgeable in every regulatory aspect governing transplantation.
The book contains 35 chapters covering every single aspect of the surgical operation in the donors as well as the recipients of liver transplants. The pre-operative work-up, as well as the post-operative immunosuppression management and the treatment of recurrent diseases are addressed in detail. Single chapters are dedicated to controversial issues like transplantation in patients diagnosed with NASH, transplantation for patients diagnosed with HCC beyond Milan criteria and usage of HIV positive donors. Dedicated chapters on HCV, HCC, FHF and NASH will make this book a unique resource for any health care provider part of the multidisciplinary liver transplant team.
The book goes beyond the analysis of the formal medical and surgical aspects of liver transplantation and introduces deep knowledge on key aspects of contemporary transplant programs, such as: physical rehabilitation, palliative care, pregnancy, the multiple requirements of regulatory agencies ruling transplantation, quality measurements for transplant programs, finance and liability.
The book is organized in 9 sections focusing on each key aspect of liver transplantation. Contemporary Liver Transplantation addresses the need and the questions of the multidisciplinary group involved including surgeons, Hepatologists, anesthesiologists, infectious disease specialists, radiologists, transplant coordinators, financial specialists, epidemiologists and administrators.
Contemporary Liver Transplantation Online: http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319072081